Voice Weekly Issue 2: August 10, 2018

A free, once–weekly email roundup of Voice news and articles.
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Why Voice Design Matters: We Don’t Speak the Way We Write: Great article listing several points of good Voice User Experience: 1) We Don’t Speak the Way We Write 2) In Voice, Variety, Not Consistency, Is King 3) In Voice, Great Design is Shown in How You Expect the Unexpected

In-Skill Purchasing Takes Volley’s Thriving Voice Business to the Next Level: Video of Max Child, the founder of Volley tells his story and answers THE QUESTION of monetization strategies.

Cognigy Launches Community Edition: Cogningy makes a smart move removing the paywall barrier - and welcomes new developers to their community edition platform.

Google Assistant Developer Community Program: Following the footsteps of Amazon and their developer "perks" programms, Google is offering something to the assistant developers. It starts with a T-shirt and $200 of Google Cloud services a month for a full year.

Accelerate Skill Development Using the ASK Toolkit for Visual Studio Code (Beta): Key features: Discover ASK commands by typing “ASK” from the VS Code command palette, Create a skill using Alexa templates, Generate code snippets for built-in intents, custom intents, slots, and request handlers, Identify errors in your JSON schema, Hover over a JSON object to see documentation, Submit a skill for certification.

Unit Testing: Creating Functional Alexa Skills: Great post on how to make first steps towards automated testing of your Alexa Skills.