BotTalk New Release - Code Name Concorde

BotTalk has been just updated to a new version - Concorde - and we're excited to talk about what's inside.

Our Journey So Far

In each of our previous releases we tried to focus our efforts on solving big, important problems in the development of Alexa Skills and Google Actions.

We've attacked the issue of Actionable Analytics of voice applications integrating the Dashbot.

We've completely revolutionized automated voice testing by introducing our Random Walker Test feature and a unique way of creating robust and easy to implement custom tests that the voice developers can hear directly in their browsers.

We've opened BotTalk to third-party extensions by introducing our Plugin Protocol - and as a result have experienced enormous growth in community-created plugins. Alexa Audio Player or Google Suggestion Chips are the two prominent BotTalk plugins at the moment.

Finally, we've made it incredibly easy for everyone to create their own Alexa Flash Briefings - even from a simple Google Spreadsheet!

Landing Page Redesign

We realized that having all these amazing features "under the hood" we barely show them off to our new users. Ever since it's launch in 2018 BotTalk had been minimalistic about its landing page. The time has come to put the great work our developers have done forward.

Today we're introducing our new landing page:

Create Alexa Skills and Google Actions in ONE Click

While redesiging our landing page our focus was on giving the new users an opportunity to experience the voice development right there in the browser. We found that "this is how a possible scenario looks like" sentence just makes no sense in the face of what our users are looking for - real voice experience.

That is why now right there from the BotTalk landing page - anyone can browse the voice apps templates, listen to how their sound - and with one click of a button create custom Alexa Skills and Google Actions.

Your Feedback

This release would not be possible without the insightful and detailed feedback from our users.

Do you want to request a feature or leave your feedback?

Join our Private Facebook Group


The biggest thanks goes to the team of our programmers who made it happen! You guys rock!

We 💛 you all =)

Your Support

BotTalk community edition is an effort to make the voice development available for everyone. If you want to support the future releases - feel free to donate to our Community Development Fund.